
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Youth need to know what their rights are. After the implementation of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1989 nations across the world began to take child protection a lot more seriously. Governments were mandated to provide the basic necessities to children to help them reach their full potential. As a part of the child protection services in Canada it is mandated that children always know what their rights are. But how can children exercise their rights? Before the advocacy office was shut down in 2018, they were the essential voice for youth in care in Ontario before the Ford administration shut it down. The impacts are still affecting youth today. In this episode, we sat down with Jackson Gate, a former youth in care, and a current practicing paralegal. He gives us a break down of the essential information youth need to know on how to best advocate for themselves. He also is working with an upcoming organization to help educate youth in their rights in a way they can understand.
Please Check out our website for more details about the programs we have https://linktr.ee/project.outsiders
and for more information regarding the CYFSA please check out our previous episode https://open.spotify.com/episode/5w6lE50lE37CoVrwkw1EDj?si=tsmaG9PfT1y_CHe_hRJp9w

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Episode 4 – a look inside the group home w/ Sadeqah
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Disclaimer *the following episode contains discussions around the topics of suicide and other potential disturbing material including abuse and violence viewers discretion is advised.
Where do the troubled youth who seem to have difficulty adjusting in the family-like home go? What if there are no available beds in foster homes? The group home is a structured environment that for a lot of youth closely resembles the prison system. In this, myself and sadeqah talks about the violence that happens behind closed doors that is hidden from the rest of the world. This a very heavy episode that needs further discussion in the future.

Friday Jan 22, 2021
Episode 3 – Coping through spirituality and music w/ Rose Jones
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
“Religion is such a taboo topic” said Rose. She was right. Religion is something that is not really talked about to youth in care. Why would it be? Why would youth believe an all-loving God but still allow tremendous tragedy to enter their life? Why bother believing when your environment reflects darkness and not love?
Rose Jones, an aspiring musician, paints for us her story about finding her identity through spirituality and how her foster parent played such a significant role in her journey. We share with each other how foster care was the answer we were asking for before we entered and how it gave us a greater purpose. Spirituality helped her find her calling, and to give back, she now uses her talents to help others. At the end Rose shares her some sneak peaks for her up and coming album
Be sure to check out Rose's Music and Social Media
For more information about us click HERE

Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
What does it mean to identify as a Black youth in care? This is a really special episode because our guest has two distinct point of view of what it means to be black. Not only that, but they also have had two vastly different experiences in care despite sharing the same social worker. In this episode we talk about identity, morality, and perception. We dive into importance of providing youth the option of being close to culture and how that plays into their identity. We cover aspects of the LGBTQ community, politics, and the One Vision One Voice project. Due to how incredibly emotion and elaborate the conversation was, we needed to split it into two parts. Join me Kyngston and Aidan in this thought-provoking conversation and share this with your peers.

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Episode 36 RY How Sport create Social Impact w/ David Thibodeau
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
On this week’s Episode of the Rising Youth Podcast Salvatore interviews David Thibodeau about his project called Sport for Social Impact a program that seeks to explore and educate on the power that sport has to create a positive impact on society. Specifically looking at sport policy and how we can use programs and policies for maximum impact. The hope is that these conversations and ideas will help achieve the maximum benefit of sport in our society.
For more information about Sports for Social Impact visit: https://www.sportsforsocialimpact.com/
Twitter @DavidSThibodeau // FB and IG @SportsSocImpact
For more information about our previous programs visit us at : https://www.risingyouth.ca
#RisingYouth #LeadersToday

Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
What does it mean to identify as a Black youth in care? This is a really special episode because our guest has two distinct point of view of what it means to be black. Not only that, but they also have had two vastly different experiences in care despite sharing the same social worker. In this episode we talk about identity, morality, and perception. We dive into importance of providing youth the option of being close to culture and how that plays into their identity. We cover aspects of the LGBTQ community, politics, and the One Vision One Voice project. Due to how incredibly emotion and elaborate the conversation was, we needed to split it into two parts. Join me Kyngston and Aidan in this thought-provoking conversation and share this with your peers.

Friday Jan 01, 2021
Readiness Indicators w/ Conner Lowes - TFX
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Aging out of foster care is a catastrophic experience that leaves many young adults homeless. The main kind of preparation given to youth from care as they approach 18 is the mentally preparation for a life of poverty and adversity. How can youth in care fight against provincial neglect? Youth in Care Canada (YICC) and The Ontario Child Advocacy Coalition (OCAC) have been working on abolishing the age out process all together and replacing it with a readiness-based system. Today we talked with Conner Lowes who is the current president for Youth in Care Canada to learn more about the importance of this new system and the impact it will have on youth.

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Melissa Teles discusses her research on human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Ontario. In this provocative conversation we talk about the difference between sex trafficking and sex work, notions of consent, youth agency, and how all those who work with young people can support people around these topics.
To learn more about the research, to read the full report, and to access free online training on supporting young people who have been trafficked please visit https://supportyouth.ca/

Friday Dec 25, 2020
The Foster Care Experience - Episode 0
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Welcome to the Foster Care Experience Podcast Hosted by Chanice McAnuff. Please be sure to tune into our program every Friday night.
Please Like, Share and Follow us on Social media:
At project outsiders we aim to highlight the vulnerabilities of the child welfare system So that you can know what’s happening to youth in your communities and through this We aim to develop partnership with organizations to share resources you can use to stop these ongoing injustices and create a stronger system for youth in care together.

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Exploring advocacy through Writing With Linh Nguyen
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
On this weeks episode of ARTS Salvatore speaks with Linh Nguyen Grant Alumni for #RisingYouth about her project BIPOC Creative Programming, a project that aims to educate individuals of ethnic minorities how to express themselves in a creative writing workshop. Linh also recommends some fantastic literature to our listeners as they discuss culture and literature and breaking down barriers for oneself in regards to creative writing.
For more information regarding the other grants we’ve highlighted please visit us at: https://anchor.fm/risingyouth

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Unity, Youth Councils, and Politics: A conversation with Ursella Khan
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Ursella Khan of the Ubuntu Youth Council in Central Alberta, Canada talks about why it’s important for young BIPOC folx to learn council and board membership skills, issues facing young people in central Alberta, and why the RCMP think conversations with youth are too political to have.
To learn more about the Ubuntu Youth Council, please visit
For more information regarding the grants we provide please visit us at

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Episode 31 - Living with Fibromyalgia Julianna Maggrah
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Fighting the Mental Health Sitgma a short documentary called Broken From La Ronge / Lake La Ronge Indian Band developed a documentary alongside her cousin about Julianna’s personal mental health struggles and coping strategies to help break barriers about mental health stigmas.
Please check out Julianna’s Documentary alongside this episode and share this much needed information as we break barriers in the mental health community. https://youtu.be/FyxH5yNomMc and check out her website https://www.saniskamedia.com
For more information regarding the grants we provide please visit https://www.risingyouth.ca

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
A new President for Youth In Care Canada: A conversation with Conner Lowes
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Setting Deeper Roots at the Exhibition with Kerbens Boisette
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
On this Week’s Episode of #RY Podcast Salvatore interviews Kerbens Boisette founder of the Aftermath Exhibition. This project aims to aid young black youth with dealing with learning and understanding their deep rooted Canadian History and allow them to reconnect with themselves through various art forms.
Please check out follow their page on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Theaftermathexhibition/?__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARBFimZ2_qDEiezCbY5YZFnfWcikio
And be sure to check out our numerous grant opportunities for #RisingYouth at https://www.risingyouth.ca

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
This week’s episode is a conversation with Kismet Meyon, Dr. Maggie Inchley, and Dr. Sylvan Baker from The Verbatim Formula. The Verbatim Formula is “a participatory research project for care-experienced young people. It uses verbatim theatre techniques, listening and dialogue to work with young people, care leavers, social workers, and universities” which “aim[s] to work with young people to make care and education better” (http://www.theverbatimformula.org.uk/).
During our conversation Kismet, Maggie, and Sylvan discuss the process that The verbatim Formula uses, the impacts on them and others as creators, how it is received by those who see their performances (including service providers), and the results of their research.
Visit their website to hear clips and learn more about the innovative and necessary work they create.